📄️ Activate Affiliates
1\) Navigate to the My Affiliates page.
📄️ Add Plugins
Method 1: Plugin Manager (Depreciated)
📄️ Adding Subdomain
1\) Navigate to "My Plans" on the navigation bar to the left.
📄️ How to cancel your server
1\) Navigate To The My Plans Page
📄️ How To Change Email
1\) Navigate to My Account
📄️ Change MOTD
1\) Navigate to your server panel.\
📄️ Change Server Icon
1\) Navigate to your server panel.\
📄️ Change Server Version
1\) Navigate to your server panel.\
📄️ Make Server Private
Method 1: Console (Recommended)
📄️ Reset Password
Method: 1 With Current Password
📄️ 2FA Setup
To Use 2FA You will need an Authenticator app like Authy or Google Authenticator\
📄️ Upload Files
Method 1: Website